Case Study

Meeting Regulatory Compliance with Standard Work and Action Triggers in Just Six Days
Lean Sigma delivered “Important Message from Medicare”, explaining patient rights.
CRH-Regulatory Compliance (pdf)
Patient placement increased floor utilization 30%, reduced staffing, saving $608,000/year
The solution required simultaneously addressing patient classification and bed assignment, demand profile, hospital geography, staffing, and skills matrix.
CRH-Patient Placement (pdf)
Physician Order to Nurse-Aware Medication Available Time Reduced by 45 Percent.
A critical factor in safe patient medication administration is the timely response to new or changed physician orders.
CTMC-MedTurnaroundTime (pdf)
Radiology Improved Processes, Reduced Procedure Time and Increased Volume and Revenue
Patient flow in the Radiology Department was enhanced through a succession of Lean Sigma projects.
CRH-Radiology Services (pdf)
Reduced Cycle Time in CT Department from 21 minutes to 13 minutes: 38 percent
This study illustrates the use of O.E.E. to reduce cycle time in a CT Department.
CRH-Diagnostic-Radiology (pdf)
Hospital-Wide Deployment Improved Patient Satisfaction, Safety and Financial Benefits
This case study describes one hospital’s experience in the first two years of Lean Sigma implementation…
CRH-HospitalWide (pdf)
Improving Inpatient Discharge Cycle Time and Patient Satisfaction
Using the Lean Sigma methodology and DMAIC roadmap, this case study illustrates a project which greatly reduced the cycle time…
CRH-InPatientDischarge (pdf)
Reducing Average Length of Stay in Minor Treatment Center by over 50 percent in 4.5 days.
This study follows a kaizen event at the Minor Treatment Center in a Miami hospital’s emergency department…
CRH-ReducingALOSMTC (pdf)
Reducing Discharged Not Final Billed Resulting in One-Time Cash Exceeding $2 Million.
Hospitals need to aggressively pursue payments in order to deliver the highest-quality care to their patients…
CRH-ReducingDNFB (pdf)
Reducing the Pend Rate for Insufficient Clinical Information
Using Lean Sigma and the DMAIC roadmap, a managed care organization reduced the rate of cases pending…
CS-ReducingPendRate (pdf)

Manufacturer saves $690,000 in storage fees while avoiding millions in additional projects
Using Discovery Event methodology, this study shows how a chemical manufacturer was able to reduce its fleet by 20%…
Chemical-DiscoveryEvent (pdf)
Increasing Capacity and Reducing Costs in Chemical Batch Manufacturing Process
This case study illustrates how using a combination of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies can increase capacity while…
OSRAMSYLVANIA-IncreasingCapacity (pdf)
Days Sales Outstanding Reduced from 38 to 31 Days, Realizing Nearly $7,000,000
In order to reduce delinquent dollars in the customer payment process…
DSOExecSummary (pdf)
Shared Services Organization: Six Sigma Produced Savings of $34 MM Across Company
Several problems identified, customers mentioned product shipping…
CS-SharedServices (pdf)
Operations Improvement: Reduced Rework from 55% to 20%, Saving $325,000 Annual.
Before project, there was no clear definition of “good” and “bad”…
CS-ManufacturingRedux (pdf)
Five-day Discovery Event and Kaizen saves a major railroad $858,000 in parts and labor
Using SBTI’s Discovery Event and Kaizen methods, our client was able to achieve a $858,000 savings…
ANON-RailTamper (pdf)
Reducing Cycle Times and Speed of Batch Processing in Automotive Coatings Process
Using the Kaizen process, opportunities for quick improvements and substantial annualized savings are discovered…
BASF-ReducingCycleTime (pdf)

Titled “Mission Breakthrough”, apparel retailer returns five times investment in two years.
Leveraging engaged top management and following proven program practices, this case study shows…
Bob’sStoresCaseStudy (pdf)